Stijlen Paragraaf12pt
Virtual reality video for patent foramen oval procedure or atrial septal defect procedure
In the AMC we started a virtual reality (VR) study in which patients with a patent foramen ovale or atrial septal defect will be included. In this study we will provide patients with VR goggles during which they will familiarize themselves with the different departments of the hospital during the day of their planned procedure. The VR video will start off with a welcome from the team, after which the patient will see the nursing ward. The patient will then be taken to the catherization room, in which the cardiologist will explain the procedure. To explain the procedure more visually, an animation is shown in which the procedure will be explained as well. Afterwards, the patient will be back on the nursing ward, and the video will end with a word from the team.
With this pilot study we would like to show that VR reduces anxiety for the procedure. Two questionnaires will be used to measure the anxiety, namely the State Trait Anxiety Index (STAI) questionnaire and the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety- and Informative Scale (APAIS) questionnaire. The control group will be provided with the questionnaires after the outpatient clinic visit with the cardiologist and one week prior to the procedure. The intervention group will be provided with the questionnaires after the outpatient clinic visit with the cardiologist followed by the VR video and also one week prior to the procedure. The pilot study will be finalized when both groups consist of 25 patients.